Love Them, To Know Them

I fell in love with someone whom the society marks as perfect.
He turned out to be just like any other men who are self centered.
I fell in love with someone whom my heart skips a beat for.
I realized love can be one sided too.
I was then loved by someone who couldn’t even cross my imagination as a dream man.
I am happy.
If love is to satisfy the society and be wowed, go ahead to get the perfect selfies on instagram but to cry behind closed doors.
If love is to be happy instead, let people judge you for choosing someone off your standard, but you’re contented inside out.

Author: Petals of Moments

A daytime pharmacist who is always looking forward to new adventures and to eventually transform them into beautiful words. May we inspire each other just about anything under the sky in this walk of life ;) Reachable at

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