Oh Cherry, You’re A White Rose


I turned the shower on and sat in the bath tub crying as quietly as I could just so that it’s only me and the four walls that hear my tears.

With a messy bun I always put up to and a lousy t shirt, the last thing in my list is to be seen by a scrumptious heavenly looking man, Aiden.

I never thought deep down my medulla oblongata, it mattered. On the surface, the only thing that mattered was surviving my husband’s business.

At the verge of my quitting, he came in like a hero and saved all of us from the drowning bankruptcy. My husband met with an accident and I had to run the show alone. I have always been a career woman but to manage 5 children, a temporarily bed ridden husband and a business wasn’t something any superhero could do. Help was very much needed.

On nights after packing up, Aiden would cook exquisite meals and ensure I eat before I go home. It never stopped at meals. He lighted candles and always stood by there. Sinfully, it started to be the moment I looked after to every evening.

I never once thought of committing adultery but being young and sexy and cared made the butterflies that were long dead inside of me to be alive again.

It was a moment to feel sexy, not in a body to body way, rather in a way that made the young me awakened again. I always knew there’s a thick line and to stop myself from crossing that line.

Tonight, Aiden confessed he had feelings for me. Everything was ruined. The moments we spent alone dining started to feel like dates. The candles were not mere lights but a romantic setting. The company was not to make me feel less lonely, but an actual companion. Everything was running perfectly had he not uttered a word and put an end to this.

Because, deep down the most sinful thought that would ever cross my mind, resided my family. A family that I could never betray.

I fired him. I rather my guilty pleasures be taken away than to lose a family.

I cried endlessly. To battle with an emotion you begin to enjoy is nothing but painful when you have to mask that emotion with a feeling of guilt and pain.


I started falling for her but I knew she would be nothing but just a cherry on the cake. A cherry that was meant to make the cake look beautiful but it wasn’t edible. She belonged to someone else. Before she begin to make a choice, I will make that choice for her.

Author: Petals of Moments

A daytime pharmacist who is always looking forward to new adventures and to eventually transform them into beautiful words. May we inspire each other just about anything under the sky in this walk of life ;) Reachable at natashathaker1392@gmail.com

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