This Kind Of Love ðŸŒ¼

“Hey Kayra have you heard about the Intercollege Debate Competition that’s being held in our university this year?”

“Oh my god Aleeysha, really? That’s awesome. We should so go check it out.”

I have been into debates since high school. It’s in my blood. Unfortunately, due to the hectic semester around, I could not join the competition.

“Goodness Kayra! There’s too many homosapiens in here. I’m leaving!”

Aleeysha on the other hand, is agrophobic. She can never stand even a minute long if there are more than 10 people around her.

I squeezed my way through until I found my cute little spot to watch the enticing debate. The first speaker from the Parliament was blasting the hall with her excellent and amusing opening speech.

She said a line that burst the entire audience in great laughter and I felt a masculine pressure on my hand.

A tanned hand resting on mine and I felt my heart already skipping a beat. I looked to my side and I almost fainted.


“Oh I’m sorry. Hi, I’m Jay” he said.

Who doesn’t know Jay? The town’s best looking man with an extremely charming profile. Me. I didn’t know him until I saw him and stalked him on our uni yearbook followed by Instagram.

“Ah, Kayra. It’s okay.” I shyly replied. My checks blushed rosy pink.

As much as I wanted to, I could never possibly have a Bollywood fairytale following this.

Yup. It never did happen. He walked away without me getting my bracelet hooked on his button.

To be continued.

Author: Petals of Moments

A daytime pharmacist who is always looking forward to new adventures and to eventually transform them into beautiful words. May we inspire each other just about anything under the sky in this walk of life ;) Reachable at

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