Working Out; Yay or Nay

There are 2 types of people ; One who would do anything out of their way to get to the gym and another who would do anything in procrastination to stay away from the gym.

Majority of people from the second category would think that they would consider the gym or any form of exercise only if they want to lose weight. Now, that is really not the case.

Throughout our lives we are always told to exercise whether it’s yoga or jogging or something in a martial art form but not many understand the reason and benefits behind it.

Recently someone close to me was diagnosed with osteoporosis. This is a condition whereby the density and quality of our bones are reduced. The bone mass reduces gradually after the age of 25-30 and reduces further more in women with menopause. Of course there are other factors that can be contributed to this such as taking certain medications like steroid for a long term, low calcium intake, thyroid issues and sedentary lifestyle.

Osteoporosis can now be detected easily and there are treatment options from further complicating the condition which can lead to fractures.

But what opened my eyes is the benefit of exercising or maybe in a much realistic manner, our postures and muscle fitness during our youth years to complement our old age. Not only osteoporosis, arthritic pain can also be induced due to unfit muscles over the years.

So, here are some simple weight bearing exercises that we can incorporate in our daily routine to ensure our muscles are fit. Another thing is to ensure we use both our left and right limbs (even though we maybe right or left handed) so that all of our limbs are well trained and not biased to just one side.

Image result for weight bearing exercise

The exercises mentioned above are not even complicated and can be done even at home.

Image result for weight bearing exercise                               Image result for weight bearing exercise

Besides physical endurance, before the age of 30 make sure you are well equipped with your calcium and vitamin D intake. You can get this from your diet like milk, yogurt and green vegetables. Vitamin D can be easily obtained from the morning sun. If for any reason you are inadequately equipped with these supplements, you can always take them in external forms such as Calcium + D tablets that can be obtained from your nearest pharmacies.

I hope this perspective of hitting the gym or even exercising at home can impact your thoughts about working out .

Start early, be healthy, live comfortably 🙂

Author: Petals of Moments

A daytime pharmacist who is always looking forward to new adventures and to eventually transform them into beautiful words. May we inspire each other just about anything under the sky in this walk of life ;) Reachable at

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