Working Out; Yay or Nay

There are 2 types of people ; One who would do anything out of their way to get to the gym and another who would do anything in procrastination to stay away from the gym.

Majority of people from the second category would think that they would consider the gym or any form of exercise only if they want to lose weight. Now, that is really not the case.

Throughout our lives we are always told to exercise whether it’s yoga or jogging or something in a martial art form but not many understand the reason and benefits behind it.

Recently someone close to me was diagnosed with osteoporosis. This is a condition whereby the density and quality of our bones are reduced. The bone mass reduces gradually after the age of 25-30 and reduces further more in women with menopause. Of course there are other factors that can be contributed to this such as taking certain medications like steroid for a long term, low calcium intake, thyroid issues and sedentary lifestyle.

Osteoporosis can now be detected easily and there are treatment options from further complicating the condition which can lead to fractures.

But what opened my eyes is the benefit of exercising or maybe in a much realistic manner, our postures and muscle fitness during our youth years to complement our old age. Not only osteoporosis, arthritic pain can also be induced due to unfit muscles over the years.

So, here are some simple weight bearing exercises that we can incorporate in our daily routine to ensure our muscles are fit. Another thing is to ensure we use both our left and right limbs (even though we maybe right or left handed) so that all of our limbs are well trained and not biased to just one side.

Image result for weight bearing exercise

The exercises mentioned above are not even complicated and can be done even at home.

Image result for weight bearing exercise                               Image result for weight bearing exercise

Besides physical endurance, before the age of 30 make sure you are well equipped with your calcium and vitamin D intake. You can get this from your diet like milk, yogurt and green vegetables. Vitamin D can be easily obtained from the morning sun. If for any reason you are inadequately equipped with these supplements, you can always take them in external forms such as Calcium + D tablets that can be obtained from your nearest pharmacies.

I hope this perspective of hitting the gym or even exercising at home can impact your thoughts about working out .

Start early, be healthy, live comfortably 🙂

This Kind Of Love 🌼

“Hey Kayra have you heard about the Intercollege Debate Competition that’s being held in our university this year?”

“Oh my god Aleeysha, really? That’s awesome. We should so go check it out.”

I have been into debates since high school. It’s in my blood. Unfortunately, due to the hectic semester around, I could not join the competition.

“Goodness Kayra! There’s too many homosapiens in here. I’m leaving!”

Aleeysha on the other hand, is agrophobic. She can never stand even a minute long if there are more than 10 people around her.

I squeezed my way through until I found my cute little spot to watch the enticing debate. The first speaker from the Parliament was blasting the hall with her excellent and amusing opening speech.

She said a line that burst the entire audience in great laughter and I felt a masculine pressure on my hand.

A tanned hand resting on mine and I felt my heart already skipping a beat. I looked to my side and I almost fainted.


“Oh I’m sorry. Hi, I’m Jay” he said.

Who doesn’t know Jay? The town’s best looking man with an extremely charming profile. Me. I didn’t know him until I saw him and stalked him on our uni yearbook followed by Instagram.

“Ah, Kayra. It’s okay.” I shyly replied. My checks blushed rosy pink.

As much as I wanted to, I could never possibly have a Bollywood fairytale following this.

Yup. It never did happen. He walked away without me getting my bracelet hooked on his button.

To be continued.

That Little Voice In My Head

Sometimes I don’t know how much longer I can hold this sanity,

Sometimes I don’t know how much longer I can fill this deep hollow cry-of-help void in me,

Sometimes I don’t know if I’m walking too fast ahead or everyone around me is just too slow behind,

Sometimes I don’t know if it’s me who’s inviting the emotional breakdown that creeps all over me from time to time,

Sometimes I don’t know if what I’m doing is right,

Or what I feel like doing in my head could be wrong,

Sometimes I don’t know if I know myself enough,

When everything around me turns dark, and I can’t even torch myself to light anymore.

Sawadeekha Bangkok

Bangkok is a place that majority of the people have been to, especially if you’re in South East Asia. However, for those of you who haven’t, here’s a sneak peak on my travel experience in bangkok!

My friend and I took a flight to Bangkok for 3 days. The flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes. We got lucky on the day as our hand carry luggage bags got checked in for free because the flight was pretty full. When you board the flight, the flight attendant will hand you a form that you need to fill up and submit at the immigration in Bangkok Airport. If you’re planning ahead for your day, do budget spending about an hour to queue for the immigration.

Once done and dusted, we waited for their public bus A3 which cost 50THB per person that brought us to Pratunam. I don’t know what exactly it is but I’m quite fond with their public buses. You will feel very comfortable in it.

We stayed in Eastin Makkasan Hotel, Pratunam. Now, this was a bit costly but I’m a vegetarian and I was very afraid I won’t be able to find food, so my cousin suggested this hotel as they provide Indian breakfast buffet. It’s a 4 star hotel and we got a good deal booking it via Agoda. For 2 nights, with a queen bed room, we paid RM483 including tax. Once we reached there, since it was our lucky day, we got upgraded to a deluxe room! We really have no idea to this significance but our floor was called the Play Room😜

Bangkok is all about shopping and eating and massages. Those are the things you’re expected to do redundantly. From our hotel, we got really very easy access to Indian food, Thai food, Thai street food and also fats food. We also had easy access to Pratunam Mall, Platinum Mall, Big C and Indra Shopping Centre. The night market outside Platinum Mall is amazing. You can get all sorts of things at a reasonably cheap price.

Wherever there are shrines, there will be gorgeous Thai girls dancing to a tradition song. We thought it may be a festival going on, but apparently this happened at almost every shrine we passed by.

From where we put up, the BTS train was also within walking distance but we did not explore the trains there.

We enjoyed their tuk tuk and motorbike rides. It felt like low wheel roller coaster rides. However their drivers were not very professional or considerate I would say. They would take you to wherever you ask them to even if they don’t know the place and then just dump you wherever they feel they should. We got that happened twice with us.

Their signature Tom yum is delicious everywhere you go to. We tried one in Bombay Palace (apparently there are just too many Indian shops in bangkok) and another one in Pe Aor Seafood.

On our second day, after Pe Aor seafood, we asked the motorbike riders if they could take us to Asiatique. They said yes. They dropped us at Palladium Mall, Pratunam and said Asiatique is nearby here. We asked the security guard on how to proceed to Asiatique from where we were dropped and he asked us to continue going straight. We did. And we kept on walking straight until I felt it wasn’t right anymore. We stopped by to ask some riders if we were going the right way, and they said Asiatique is 5km away and that would cost each of us 150THB. Feeling cheated, we continued walking until we found a tuk tuk rider and he explained more logically on how we had gotten cheated earlier as Asiatique is nowhere nearby where we were dropped. He suggested we take a boat ride to sightsee instead and dropped us in Chinatown. When we saw the price which cost us 2000THB each, we politely walked away from there. We asked the tuk tuk guy to bring us back to Pratunam but he came up with 101 excuses not to. We then realised that they were all teamed up and because we refused to take their package, this was what we got in return. We walked in Chinatown until we found a public boat that FINALLY brought us to Asiatique for 60THB. Phew!

Asiatique is a beautiful place. There are lots of stores which sells all sorts of souvenirs and clothes and tonnes of food choices. There is also a ferries wheel that let’s you see the whole of Bangkok for 450THB. It is a romantic place to date too or just be with your friends and take lots of beautiful picturesque photos.

And oh, we got our massage done at Dariya Massage Parlour, Pratunam. They are excellent and friendly and of course leaves your body light and energetic by the end of the massages. A Thai massage only cost us 200THB.

Lesson learnt, things may go out of the way we plan sometimes, but it always happens for the best reason.

Traveling on its own is a beautiful and memorable experience that adds a difference to your lives. So that was much about Bangkok, Thailand, sawadeekha!

Oh Cherry, You’re A White Rose


I turned the shower on and sat in the bath tub crying as quietly as I could just so that it’s only me and the four walls that hear my tears.

With a messy bun I always put up to and a lousy t shirt, the last thing in my list is to be seen by a scrumptious heavenly looking man, Aiden.

I never thought deep down my medulla oblongata, it mattered. On the surface, the only thing that mattered was surviving my husband’s business.

At the verge of my quitting, he came in like a hero and saved all of us from the drowning bankruptcy. My husband met with an accident and I had to run the show alone. I have always been a career woman but to manage 5 children, a temporarily bed ridden husband and a business wasn’t something any superhero could do. Help was very much needed.

On nights after packing up, Aiden would cook exquisite meals and ensure I eat before I go home. It never stopped at meals. He lighted candles and always stood by there. Sinfully, it started to be the moment I looked after to every evening.

I never once thought of committing adultery but being young and sexy and cared made the butterflies that were long dead inside of me to be alive again.

It was a moment to feel sexy, not in a body to body way, rather in a way that made the young me awakened again. I always knew there’s a thick line and to stop myself from crossing that line.

Tonight, Aiden confessed he had feelings for me. Everything was ruined. The moments we spent alone dining started to feel like dates. The candles were not mere lights but a romantic setting. The company was not to make me feel less lonely, but an actual companion. Everything was running perfectly had he not uttered a word and put an end to this.

Because, deep down the most sinful thought that would ever cross my mind, resided my family. A family that I could never betray.

I fired him. I rather my guilty pleasures be taken away than to lose a family.

I cried endlessly. To battle with an emotion you begin to enjoy is nothing but painful when you have to mask that emotion with a feeling of guilt and pain.


I started falling for her but I knew she would be nothing but just a cherry on the cake. A cherry that was meant to make the cake look beautiful but it wasn’t edible. She belonged to someone else. Before she begin to make a choice, I will make that choice for her.

Dear Goodbye

Facebook would have shown our friendship memory of 5 years today, but that did not happen.

It’s so irony that two people who could talk for hours everyday suddenly decided to keep a distance.

A distance because of a misunderstanding.

It is so cliche that you became self absorbed when you were accused of things you thought you didn’t do but you did, and you had nowhere to run and hide so you pointed finger to me. You threw all the blame on me.

I wonder if you remember the times we had together when we forgot the rest of the world. Or you only remember the person you fell for and forgot the rest of us?

It was never easy walking away from you, but I walked through the shattered glasses anyways. I bled each second away from you anyways. I tasted the devastating tears anyways.

I waited for Facebook to remind our 5 years friendship anniversary, because at the back of my mind, you still resided. A playback of hundred and one ways things could have been different existed.

Sigh. It will never come. Because the day you chose to face your back to me, I chose to walk away right in front of you, for the rest of my life.

The hundred and one different ways of how things could have been between us remains as an imagination, because maybe that was all you were, just an imagination of my bliss.

Photo credits: Pinterest


There exists many different types of options in this one life we dramatically live in.

Sadly, some people hypnotise our fragile little mind and heart in believing what should be the best out of the plenty of options we have.

It becomes a fad.

I tried to fit in. I failed.

It gives me this unsatisfying heart ache each time I try to even think about being one of them.

A heart ache that rushes my adrenaline, alerts my brain of an anxiety; Of something unknown.

So it’s not a fad if my contentment actually lies in the most unseen things, the rarest, the calmest, the one least expected.

Because sometimes, what’s best for you is not how I look at how best it is for me.

Let me be a solitaire, if that’s how you appreciate picturing me.

Oh My Tenant

We all may have a bitter sweet story when it comes to room or house sharing, so here’s mine 🙂

They were not literally my tenant. I was actually renting a room in this beautiful couple’s house and there was another room that was empty. Let’s call this couple A and C. Over the months, we got really close, like a family and they took in my considerations as well when it came to renting out the other room.

So came a girl around my age, let’s call her Y. She seemed utmost interested and excited with the room. She said she will be staying with her cousin and they are both single moms.

We explained each and every rule of the house to them as we were all vegetarians, and the owners were very strict about it.

Fast forward to the day they first moved in, which was actually the first hint of the blunder, C asked Y the name of her cousin, and Y took some time to actually answer it. We eventually found out her name and let’s call her Z. Y did not stay in the room as she had some work outstation and that left Z to move in alone.

After much doubts that we faced as Z kept on giving complete different answers than what Y had told us, we made Z confess the real truth. They actually met on Wechat and were looking for a room to stay. They were not at all cousins. Fine.

Y did not explain all the rules to Z and we had to explain everything all over again. We also found out many lies that Y actually told about Z. Clear enough, Y did not know anything about Z and was only crapping stories.

We confronted Y and started everything fresh. Now, the little misbehaves came about.

Y told Z that we are indeed vegetarians and they are not allowed to cook meat, but it is allowed to cook after midnight. What in the world! Vegetarians means vegetarians. No meat means no meat. There is definitely no such thing as a time frame to cook what is not allowed.

Y worked on a night shift and she used to get home during the wee hours in the morning. Without considering others who are sleeping in the house, she used to make hell of noises. I believe that regardless of living in your own place or at other’s, respect is something that you should carry on your head. It is not only annoying, but it is equally rude to behave in such a way.

Z one day came telling me that she feels extremely uncomfortable with Y. Y would video call her guy friends and purposely face the camera to Z so they can look at her, even when Z is not fully dressed. To be honest, Z found trouble herself. Never ever be room mates with someone you don’t know, or at least nowadays. Anything can happen! Plus, you need your own privacy too. If it had been for the affordability of the room that mattered, then find something within your budget than finding yourself in troubles. We had no proof to sack Y out of the house and I could only advise Z to speak to Y to clear things between them.

We strictly mentioned that no guys are allowed in the room. It wasn’t because we were very conventional, but because they were both already in a room. It would be awkward to allow their spouse to come, wouldn’t it? Y actually planned for a threesome or couplesome whatsoever with her friends who probably had an eye on Z. When Z came crying to me about this, I lost my mind. The house itself was actually a family house and we had always maintained it at a good reputation. This people doing nonsense should not have been on our head at all. I hate to mention on religion, but what got us all having hiccups was the fact they they were Muslims. Eventually, the plan did not continue.

One day, C found out that throughout the stay, Y and Z were sharing one key and Y left the house key outside of the house if her timing did not match Z’s. Now, this was a safety issue and we could finally take actions on them. The apartment we lived in was not strongly guarded and secured. Anyone could just walk in and out. Leaving the keys outside so irresponsibly like that was nothing but finding trouble.

All that being done, C sacked them out of the house within 24 hours notice and that was the night we finally breathed peacefully and had a good night sleep.

Brewing Coffee for Someone Else

I was watching this video by my most favourite inspirational vlogger, Jay  Shetty a couple of weeks ago. It was a topic about “What We’re Getting Wrong in Life” ( ). So, it says about how contented and happier our brains are in service. We are happier when we do something for people rather than our own selves. This finding was further proven with a research done on a group of people.

Then I was scrolling my instagram and I found this most connected (or so at this point of time) post by Vexking which said people often portray their feelings through their actions. When someone is frustrated, they may not necessarily be agitated with the current situation, but rather furious with something else in their lives, or with themselves. People who are happier tend to channel positive vibes around them and vice versa when people are sad. The situation at the given time remains constant but the attitudes are manipulated.


I was energized to try out on myself and I have actually been trying to do so for sometime now. It is not easy. I am someone who gets emotions and hormones all over me and I can turn ‘Hulk’ very easily. However, my changes of behavior helped me discover many things which I would feel regret for doing otherwise. Now, you may call it a coincidence but I would rather choose to believe that everything actually happens for a reason instead of having coincidences.

I embraced flaws, mistakes and disappointments and supported them instead of shouting or showing frustrations. I may have indirectly given those people motivation even if it was as tiny as a drop of water. That positive vibe that I channeled actually helped them to achieve what they could not have for a long time.

We all have potentials in ourselves but we often fail to believe in what we have until someone comes and pushes the button to remind us of our capabilities. We are never near to being perfect and will never be. Alas, each of us have some kind of unique power that makes us special and makes us get going with the toughest of all obstacles.

So, find one that you have today. Start by helping someone to make yourself happier and eventually you will taste bliss and it will be a completely different kind of great feeling.

Till then, free yourself from worries. Grab a bar of chocolate and a glass of wine and enjoy your favourite Netflix 😉



Icing On A Burnt Cake 2

I stood naked in front of my mirror with the towel slowly unwrapping my body and I stared closely to myself. 

I noticed the light brown skin colour I possess with a tinge of red blush on my cheeks. Why do everyone have different levels of melanin in their skin? Nobody acquired that. We are born with it. Then why do people judge being fair is beautiful and dark ugly? 

I noticed the darker brown scars from my face to my toes. Ah, so many memories. One from the chickenpox virus I had 15 years ago. Then another from being adventurous and burned my skin with the motorcycle exhaust. A few on my face that marked my adulthood each time a pimple pops due to my hormone surge. 

I then noticed the extra weight I have around my hips and thighs and belly which are of no use. All the excesses of good food without exercise. I am working out but time has stolen the more of me. Sigh. 

I then wiped away the tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked deeper into my heart to my soul and there were scars of betrayals, weights of burden, unsightly tinge of darkness that I carried with me everyday. 

I may be presentable to the eyes of humans but how few would look deep into me to know me? Know my pain? Know my story? Know my journey? 

Why would I choose a dark skinned man with no wealth to spend the rest of our lives together? Would anyone think that I would have seen the clear, pure soul that he owns? That would heal mine? That would take away all my scars with his bleach of sensibility, kindness and charm? 

No. You see the label on the cake without tasting it. And you look all over the universe to find the best piece when it probably would have always been the one nearest to you. 

I wrapped myself and wrapped my thoughts. I lied down contemplating between choosing what makes me happy, and what makes others happy. 

I thought beyond the universe but one influential person can force me to be narrow minded. And I cringe. And I cry. And I plea to have a memory loss at the instance of my sorrowness, so that I can start life one more time.